Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Final Verdict: Should We Adopt Automated Data Tiering

Here are the reasons why I think it would be wise for any organization to use ADT

Cost Efficient-
  • "Most active blocks of data reside on high performance SSD or Fibre Channel drives while less active blocks of data automatically move to lower-cost, high- capacity SAS or SATA drives" (Compellent, 2010).
  • The technology allows data to be moved automatically between tiers of storage without the manual labor of storage administrators. Without storage administrators organizations can save money by not having to pay their salaries. (Collett, 2010).
High Performance-
  • "Putting the most frequently accessed or most important data on faster, more expensive Fibre Channel drives or even solid-state drives (SSD) boosts performance" (Scheier, 2010).
  • With 50-60 percent annual compound growth rate of data storage the system is more likely to become bogged down and operate slower. An automated data tiering system would make sure the system operates at full capacity (Mearian, 2009).
More Competitive
  • If other organizations decide to upgrade to ADT we would be less competitive as them because our organization would be wasting time and money on manually monitoring the data storage and moving it around. Without upgrading, our organization could fall behind and eventually go out of business.
  • Even though automated data tiering is broad it will help to take care of the everyday data storage and if we use it today we will be sure to be ahead of the curve when it comes to data storage (Crump, 2010).

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